lørdag den 5. december 2009

Juhuu- the design award

And the winners of the design award are.. totem girls..

torsdag den 12. november 2009

Cooperative Designs

Annalisa Dunn og Dorothee Hagemann er begge uddannet fra Central St. Martins i London og laver super sejt strik under navnet Cooperative Designs.

Spring/summer 2010:

Fall 09:


Kollektionsoversigt!!//Collection overview!!

Remember to think KNIT KNIT KNIT

Skitser og strik//Sketches and knit

Opgaven fra konkurrencen Innovating Sustainable Fashion lød på at skabe tre sæt ud fra en samlet kollektion. Vi har arbejdet på projektet siden starten af september og er nu klar til eksamen på vores skole i morgen. Vi er meget, meget spændte - men endnu mere spændte er vi på det kommende show, som initiativtagerne til konkurrencen står for. Det finder sted den 2. december med en efterfølgende udstilling på Dansk Designcenter. Kom kom kom!

Her ser I nogle fotos af de tre sæt, som vi valgte at strikke, i skitseform med tilhørende strikprøver:


The task of the competition Innovating Sustainable Fashion was to create three outfits from a complete collection. We have worked on the project since the beginning of September and are now ready for the exam at our school tomorrow. We are very, very excited - but we are even more excited about the forthcoming show, which the initiators of competition stands for. It takes place on 2th of December with a following exhibition at the Danish Design Center. Come come come!
Here you see some photos of the three outfits that we chose to knit, in sketch form with knitting samples:

onsdag den 11. november 2009

Totems undervejs//Totems in progress

Vi har knoklet og knoklet, og er nu snart ved vejs ende i det strikkede univers, vi har levet i de sidste mange uger. Vi har ikke fået vist alle vores skitser her på bloggen, men her har I nogle af vores strikprøver, som vi har arbejdet ud fra i tilblivelsen af vores kollektion: The cactus, the bear and the mountain.
We have worked and worked, and are now soon coming to the end of this knitting universe, we have lived in the past several weeks. We have not showed all of our sketches here on the blog, but here you have some of our knitting samples that we have worked on in the shaping of our collection: The cactus, the bear and the mountain.

Strikprøverne er brugt i de forskellige tøj-styles og er inspireret af ordene kaktus, bjørn og bjerg - som har været en gennemgående inspirations kilde gennem hele projektet.
The knitting samples are used in the different clothing styles and are inspired by the words cactus, bear and mountain - which have been a source of inspiration throughout the whole projekt.

Flere billeder fra arbejdet undervejs
More pictures from the work in progress

onsdag den 21. oktober 2009


Dazed and Confused "Franken Fashion" October issue

Everyday material trash turned into couture...

photos via Rackk andRuin

tirsdag den 13. oktober 2009


Between a rock and a hard place.

Anna Selezneva styled by Sara Richardson for the latest issue of i-D magazine.
Hands up for bottel caps and second hand... LOVE IT !!


Billeder via: http://rackkandruin.blogspot.com/

mandag den 12. oktober 2009


Her ser I de første illustrationer i retningen mod noget der rent faktisk ligner tøj! Disse er ikke endelige, men en start mod at udvikle en kollektion med udgangspunkt i alt det vi har vist jer indtil videre.

Here you see the first illustration in the direction of something that actually resembles clothes! These are not definitive, but a start to develop a collection based on everything we've shown you so far.

Håber I kan li' det!

Hope you like it!
